MP3 is a digital music format which allows CD tracks to be reduced to around a tenth of their normal size without a significant loss of quality. The AMR algorithm utilises link adaptation in order to be utilised with radio channel and capacity requirements.ģrd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) The AMR codec uses eight source codecs with bit-rates of 12.2, 10.2, 7.95, 7.40, 6.70, 5.90, 5.15 and 4.75 kbit/s and has a sampling frequency of 8kHz which is filtered to 200-3400 Hz. The AMR file is often converted into other formats to allow for use and ease of distribution. In 1999 AMR was adopted as the chosen speech standard for 3GPP. Many phone providers use the AMR format to store short audio recordings but shouldn't really be used to store other audio such as music due to it's design.
The Adaptive Multi-Rate format was specifically designed for speech coding.